Global Elite Growth 2026 – Portugal
Earn your spot for the 2025 Growth 25 trip and travel with us to the charming country of Portugal.Qualifications:
Open to all ranks in the Americas region.
Associates earn rewards through Commission Volume Points (CVP). The top 25 Associates with the most growth over the previous qualification period earn a spot on the trip. Auto Order max bonuses are included in the CVP calculation.


Qualifications at a Glance
Qualification base period is July 1, 2023–June 28, 2024.
Growth qualification period is June 29, 2024–June 27, 2025.
Top 25 Associates with the top overall growth from base period through growth period win.

Portugal is a picturesque country dotted with ancient castles, home to world-class wines, and lined with stunning beaches that face west for awe-inspiring sunsets. Its cobblestone-street towns are famous for fresh seafood, rich history and architecture, and an atmosphere of magical romance.

Top growth winners will enjoy an epic experience in Portugal, including:

  • Five days, four nights
  • Trip for two
  • Flights booked and paid for by USANA
  • Luxury accommodations
  • Exclusive USANA swag
  • Paid activities, experiences, and more


Set your goal now! Qualify for this incentive when you complete one of the options below:

Option 1: Achieve 30,000 CVP growth within two consecutive years of your selected regional qualification periods.
Year 1

  • The base period (July 2, 2022–June 30, 2023) and
  • The current period (July 1, 2023–June 28, 2024)

Year 2

  • The base period (July 1, 2023–June 28, 2024) and
  • The current period (June 29, 2024 –June 27, 2025)

Option 2: Achieve all Executive Diamond Summit qualifications, along with CVP growth during the incentive qualification (October 21, 2023–October 18, 2024).


  • Associate must have advanced at least one rank after July 1, 2014 to a Diamond or a Star Diamond Director.
  • Associate must not have attended an Executive Diamond Summit at the same rank.
  • Associate must have CVP growth during the qualification period.
  • Associate must earn rank-level CVP requirement for a period of any consecutive 13 weeks, after rank advancement and within the 52-week annual qualification period:
Executive Diamond Director:                     52,000 total CVP
Executive 1-Star Diamond Director:           65,000 total CVP
Executive 2-Star Diamond Director:           78,000 total CVP
Executive 3-Star Diamond Director:           91,000 total CVP
Executive 4-Star Diamond Director:           104,000 total CVP
Executive 5-Star Diamond Director:           117,000 total CVP
Executive 6-Star Diamond Director:           130,000 total CVP
Executive 7-Star Diamond Director:           143,000 total CVP
Executive 8-Star Diamond Director:           156,000 total CVP
Executive 9-Star Diamond Director:           169,000 total CVP
Executive 10-Star Diamond Director:         182,000 total CVP
Executive 11-Star Diamond Director:         195,000 total CVP
Executive 12-Star Diamond Director:         208,000 total CVP
Executive 13-Star Diamond Director:         221,000 total CVP
Executive 14-Star Diamond Director:         234,000 total CVP
Executive 15-Star Diamond Director:         247,000 total CVP
Executive 16-Star Diamond Director:         260,000 total CVP
Executive 17-Star Diamond Director:         273,000 total CVP
Executive 18-Star Diamond Director:         286,000 total CVP
Executive 19-Star Diamond Director:         299,000 total CVP
Executive 20-Star Diamond Director:         312,000 total CVP

The 13 consecutive weeks start after a new rank is achieved. Therefore, if an Associate advances to a new Diamond rank and proceeds to qualify for the Summit without a break, the CVP from the four weeks that qualifies him or her for the rank advancement does not count towards the 13-week requirement.

There is no time limit for the achievement of the 13-week rank-level CVP. An Associate can qualify for the Summit several years after the actual rank advancement, as long as the rank remains at the start of a qualification period.

The 13 consecutive weeks must fall entirely within a qualification period. Therefore, if an Associate achieves rank-level CVP for nine weeks immediately before a cut-off and follows that with another four weeks after the cut-off day, they will not qualify for the Summit even though the entire 13-week CVP met rank-level requirement.

Multiple Rank Advancements Within a Qualifying Period

When an Associate advances multiple Diamond ranks in a year, the following applies:

  • They can qualify in the current period using the lowest eligible Diamond rank for the period.
  • For example: John attended the EDS in the previous year as an Executive 1-Star Diamond. In the current period, he advances first to 2-Star, then to 3-Star and 4-Star Diamond. He can qualify in the current period by achieving the CVP of a 2-Star Diamond (and not necessarily 3- or 4-Star) in any 13 consecutive weeks.
  • In the same example, had John also achieved the CVP of a 3- or 4-Star Diamond in the current period, he will not receive additional trips as rewards. Instead, the local market can add an appropriate reward (such as a dinner held in his honor prior to departure or upon return from the Executive Diamond Summit). 
  • They qualify for the next Summit by earning CVP at their current rank at the start of the following period.
  • Extending the example above, since John starts the next qualifying period as a 4-Star Diamond, he must achieve CVP at 4-star rank to go to the next Summit.
  • He can no longer use his 3-Star rank achieved, even though he has not attended a trip at this rank.


Q: If I earn 32,000 CVP growth qualification year 1 and 30,000 CVP growth qualification year 2 will I earn the Global Elite Growth incentive?
A: Yes, you earned the required 30,000 CVP in both year 1 and year 2 qualification periods.

Q: If I earn 80,000 CVP growth qualification year 1 and 10,000 CVP growth qualification year 2 will I earn the Global Elite Growth incentive?
A: No. The required 30,000 CVP growth was achieved in year 1, but in year 2 the minimum 30,000 CVP growth was not achieved.

Q: If I cannot attend the 2026 Global Elite Growth trip, can I attend the 2027 Global Elite Growth trip instead?
A: No, your incentive trip cannot be deferred.

The following questions apply to an Associate who starts a qualification period as a 1-Star Diamond:

Q: Can I qualify for the Executive Leadership Summit if I achieve 1-Star CVP for 13 consecutive weeks during the qualification period?
A: Yes, except in the following situations:

  • If you advanced to 1-Star Diamond before July 1, 2014 you do not qualify. (The Executive Leadership Summit started on this date.)
  • If you have previously participated in a Leadership Summit at the 1-Star rank, you do not qualify.

In either situation above, you will need to advance to 2-Star Diamond and then achieve 2-Star CVP for 13 consecutive weeks to qualify.

Q: I achieved my 1-Star Diamond rank more than a year ago. Can I still qualify for the Summit by earning 1-Star CVP for 13 weeks this qualifying period?
A: Yes. Once you have achieved a new Diamond rank, you may qualify for the Summit in any year thereafter if you are still at that rank at the start of a qualification period (see exceptions in the question above).

Q: In the previous qualifying period, I advanced from Emerald Director to Diamond Director and then to 1-Star Diamond. Since I haven’t attended a Summit at the Diamond level, can I qualify this period by achieving 13 weeks at the lower Diamond CVP?
A: No. Your rank at the start of a qualification period determines your minimum qualification. Since you are a 1-Star Diamond at the start of this qualification period, you’ll need to achieve 13 weeks of 1-Star CVP to qualify.

Q: In the situation above, I would be better off waiting until after the qualification period starts before advancing to 1-Star Diamond. Doesn’t this discourage me from building my business quickly?
A: The Summit is a reward for leaders who build their businesses in a stable manner. So we assume you have a solid, Diamond+-level income before advancing to 1-Star.

Q: In the last four weeks of accumulating my 1-Star CVP for Summit qualification, I also advanced to 2-Star Diamond. Do I still qualify for the Summit?
A: Yes. The 13-week CVP requirement depends on your rank at the start of this qualification period. It’s not affected by a new rank achieved during the period.

Q: What if I achieve my 13-week 1-Star CVP, advance to 2-Star CVP, and achieve 13 weeks of 2-Star CVP all in the same qualification period? Does that qualify me for two Summits—this and the next year?
A: No, you may not “bank” Summit trips this way. To qualify for the next Summit, you’ll need to repeat your 13 weeks of 2-Star CVP sometime during the next qualification period.

Last modified: agosto 12, 2024

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