Enhancements to Your USANA Business

Leading with positive experiences is key to getting others interested in starting a USANA business, and we’ve launched new promotions to help. Starting 14 September 2019, Distributors will enjoy a simplified activation process and a new PC Order Bonus.

These promotions deliver a rewarding experience for both new Distributors and Distributors dedicated to building a strong customer base. The takeaways are simple: we’ve lowered the amount of Sales Volume Points (SVP) required to activate 3 Business Centres to 100 points worth of product, and Distributors will now receive a bonus every time a new, personally sponsored Preferred Customer places an order.

Understanding how these promotions will benefit your business is the best way to incorporate them into your business-building strategies. Any update to your USANA business comes with a lot of questions, and we’re happy to answer them. Read below for information and FAQs to understand the details.


A low activation level makes it easier to get started with USANA. New Distributors begin at a reduced entry point, eliminating the confusion of signing up with 1 Business Centre (BC) versus 3BC. The 1BC option will no longer be available. Now, a new USANA business is activated simply by purchasing enough products to reach 100 Sales Volume Points (SVP).

Activation Details:

  • New Distributors activate a 3BC business at 100 SVP.
  • Qualification remains at 100 or 200 points every four-week cycle to keep a business active and earn commissions.

PC Order Bonus

Earning Through PC Purchases

The PC Order Bonus makes it easier for both current and new Distributors to get paid based off the purchases made by their Preferred Customers (PC). This bonus will apply to every purchase your new PC makes moving forward. The PC Order Bonus is a cross-border promotion for the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand.

PC Order Bonus Details:

  • You will receive a 10 per cent bonus on every purchase made by any new, personally sponsored PC during the trial period.
  • Both sponsor and PC must reside in a participating market.
  • PC Order Bonus is based on the tax-exclusive sales price.
  • 70 per cent of sales volume will roll up on these PC orders.
  • Only PCs enrolled on or after 14 September 2019 will apply to this new bonus—you will not be compensated for purchases made by PCs you enrolled before this date.
  • The Celavive Bonus will not apply to any new PC enrolled during this promotional period. You will still receive a Celavive Bonus for any PC enrolled before 14 September 2019 who has made an initial order of Celavive product.


Q: What is the launch date for these two initiatives?
A: The launch date is 14 September 2019.

Q: Are these business promotions for Europe markets only?
A: No. The PC Order Bonus is now a cross-border promotion between the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. Both sponsor and Preferred Customer must reside in participating markets.

Q: Will qualification for commissions stay the same?
A: Yes, 100 points of product or 200 points of product is still required to qualify for commissions.

Q: Will this promotional offer affect the Platinum PaceSetter program?
A: Yes. The Platinum PaceSetter program will change as follows:

  • Every Distributor enrolled with 100 SVP will count toward Platinum PaceSetter qualification IF they placed an order of at least 100 SVP worth of product during the eight-week qualification period.
  • Every personally sponsored PC’s volume placed outside of “Personal” will count toward Platinum PaceSetter qualification.
  • If a Distributor enters with 100 SVP, they will be enrolled with 3BC; only the personal or 001 will be eligible for commissions.

Q: Will new Associates still receive business-building items when they join as a USANA Associate?
Q: To enrol in a USANA business, you’re required to purchase an initial Distributor Welcome Kit. Each kit includes printed business-building items and healthy lifestyle information.

Q: Do PC Order Bonuses only apply to my new PC’s initial order, or does it count for every order they make?
A: Distributors will earn a 10 per cent bonus on the tax exclusive sales price on every new, personally sponsored PC product sale. PCs sponsored before the launch date will not count toward your PC Order Bonus.

Q: Do points work differently with the PC Order Bonus?
A: Yes, 70 per cent of points will roll up on orders applicable to this bonus:

  • Only eligible for products with SVP.
  • VAT exclusive sales are eligible.

Q: Do I have to be commission qualified to be eligible for the PC Order Bonus?
A: No.

Q: Is the Celavive Bonus going away?
A: Yes. The Celavive Bonus will not be active during the promotional period. This should not be seen as a negative change. Remember, the new PC Order Bonus applies to every order your new PC makes as opposed to only the initial order that applied to the Celavive Bonus. Also, 70 per cent of points roll up with the new PC Order Bonus—no points rolled up with the Celavive Bonus.

Q: Will the Celavive Bonus still apply to my PCs sponsored before 14 September 2019?
A: Yes, you will still receive the Celavive Bonus for any of your PCs who were sponsored before this date if they place a first-time order for Celavive products.

Q: Can I still count PCs toward personal volume?
A: Yes, you can remain qualified by placing PCs toward your personal volume and activation. However, any PC you use to help with your personal volume will not be eligible for the new PC Order Bonus and all eligible volume will roll up.

Q: Is there a EUR/GBP/RON amount that needs to be reached with PC Order Bonus before I will receive the commission?
A: Yes, your earned commission needs to be the equivalent of at least US $20 before you’ll see the bonus on your financial statement. The earnings will show as “PCO Bonus” on your statement.

Q: What about products that don’t have SVP?
A: These products will not be available for the PC Order Bonus.

Q: Will I be notified of the PC Bonus earned from new PC enrolment?
A: Yes. On your Hub profile, you will receive notification of all daily PC Order Bonuses earned. Reports are updated around 11:00 a.m. MT.

Q: Will my PC Bonus notification show the total earned from all newly enrolled PCs?
A: This notification is the same no matter how many new PCs enrol. It lists all PCs enrolled with the bonus amount each PC generated.

Q: Will the PC Order Bonus count toward rank advancements and growth incentives?
A: Yes.

Last modified: augustus 25, 2023

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