Meet the Independent Distributor Council (IDC)

The Independent Distributor Council (IDC) comprises committed U.S. Associates ready to create a dynamic synergy between the USANA Home Office and the field. Nominated by fellow Associates, these dedicated individuals have a passion for improving the customer experience, boosting sales, and strategizing for business growth.

To qualify, these Associates must be Gold Directors or above who meet the following criteria:

  • Minimum of three years with USANA
  • Active enroller of new Associates, Preferred Customers, and/or Affiliates
  • Attended the last two Conventions

Stand out and be part of something bigger! Consider donating your expertise, passion, and knowledge to support USANA as we strive for a million customers. IDC nominations open in May. Check back for more details on how you can help shape USANA’s future.

If you have any topics you’d like the IDC to address, please submit your inquiry to

Introducing the 2024-25 members of the Independent Distributor Council—the future starts here.

Rebecca Chai
After being sponsored by her sister, USANA 12-Star Diamond Director Ada Chai, Rebecca has found her place as a powerhouse Gold Director. Consistency has driven her success as a leader, as well as her ability to coach her team in both English and Chinese—a critical asset in her understanding of the English and Chinese markets. When building her team, she focuses on connecting with individuals who have professional backgrounds and are ready to step into greatness.
Jared & Crystal Crebs
Jared and Crystal are not only Emerald Directors, they’re also Denis Waitley Business Award winners, USANA League Prestige Members, Premier Platinum PaceSetters, and Top Associate Enrollers in the Americas and Europe. This passionate duo is inspired by Dr. Wentz’ vision—along with sharing USANA’s innovative, science-backed products to make the lives of those around them better. Their success comes from creating mindsets and strategies to take their business to new heights.
Ivy Chan
Ivy is one of the most senior Chinese leaders in the U.S. market. Since being honored as the recipient of the Dr. Wentz Vision Award in 2019, Ivy has worked to develop new Associates like Jingjing, Zhao Yan, Haifen, and more! As a tenured leader with an outstanding work ethic, she continues to support her team despite living overseas. Her unwavering dedication over the past six years has developed a striking team with over 10 active Gold and above Associates.
Grace Lee
Methodical and organized, Grace focuses on these two values to grow her dynamic and solid business. She’s a powerhouse with an unbelievable passion to help others map clear, achievable goals and execute on them. Driven by a need to share and help change lives, Grace set extraordinary goals and worked tirelessly to succeed. She believes working with your team is the only way to be successful, and this passion drives her to always support others.
Lucy Chen
Lucy was an account director for over 15 years when she discovered USANA. Experiencing health issues, she began using USANA’s world-class products. The results were impressive. In 2014 Lucy attended her first USANA Live Convention—grasping and being instantly committed to the business opportunity. Lucy is a graduate from DePaul University with a double master’s in information systems management and accounting. She’s an expert in helping others effectively choose the right path towards success and establishing dynamic teams for growth.
Alin Pasca
A hunger for knowledge has propelled this Emerald Director to incredible heights. With master’s degrees in physics from the University of Washington, Alin built medical lasers until he became the lead engineer for Lockheed Martin. He found USANA in 2011 and knew his passion for helping people achieve true health had found the right outlet. He became an integrative nutrition health coach in 2016, and just two years later he played a large role in opening USANA’s Romanian market. With a team of over 2,000 Associates, his success is changing the game.
Grace Niu & Jason Wei
Being the top income earner in the U.S. is no simple task. For Grace and Jason, leading a large team across the country requires constant work and unfailing dedication. From virtual meetings to in-person events, Grace and Jason put their team first. Plus, their extensive knowledge of the health and direct sales industries paired with their innovative trend forecasting has allowed them to maintain and grow their team’s success.

Last modified: September 10, 2024

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