Using the Carbon Copy (CC) and Blind Carbon Copy (BCC) Options in the USANA Email

You can “Carbon Copy (Cc)” recipients by placing their e-mail addresses in the “Cc” field. “Carbon Copy (Cc)” sends a copy of the message to the designated recipients whose e-mail addresses are included in the “To” field and the “Cc” field.

You can “Blind Carbon Copy (Bcc)” recipients by placing their e-mail addresses in the “Bcc” field. “Blind Carbon Copy (Bcc)” sends a copy of the message to the designated recipients whose e-mail addresses are included in the To, Cc, and Bcc fields. However, recipients of the message cannot see other recipients’ addresses that are included in the “Bcc” field. Anybody whose e-mail address is in the Bcc field will receive the e-mail with the impression that the e-mail was only sent to them.

Please be sure to separate multiple e-mail addresses included in these fields by a comma.

Last modified: February 23, 2024

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