Associate Welcome Kit

Item # 454

The USANA Associate Welcome Kit is your new team member’s first impression of USANA as their new business. In addition to providing the information a brand new USANA Associate needs to get started right, we also want to:

  • Inspire confidence in the brand
  • Create excitement with the new Associate
  • Show we care about overall health, not just supplementation
  • Help the Associate begin to share USANA quickly and easily

Overview and Available Downloads

The USANA Associate Welcome Kit has several parts that, together, make up two complementary sections: business and lifestyle. Learn more about each of the components of the kit, and access the digital versions of each of these items to take a closer look.

Welcome Letter from Kevin Guest
This letter reinforces the Associate’s decision to join USANA and helps focus the Associate with three calls to action:

  1. Use the Welcome Kit and the supplements they’ve ordered to live the USANA lifestyle.
  2. As they experience the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, share this information with others to gain new customers and Associates.
  3. Check out the Online Resource Guide to get connected to all our digital resources, from The Hub and social media to Ask the Scientists and more.

Download the welcome letter: EN / SP / FR / CH

Business-Building Items

Your Business Checklist
This simple checklist provides advice, simple steps, and thoughtful prompts to get new Associates to take action and think about the kind of business they want to create. It emphasizes the importance of talking about USANA and sharing personal experiences about the products. We don’t want to complicate the business—we want to show how easy it can be to get started right.

Download the Get Started Checklist:  EN / SP / FR / CH

Resource Guide 
Gives new Associates an at-a-glance look at all the USANA resources available to them online. Main items of focus include:  Hub content;  Associate welcome email campaign; important email communications; how and why to use Share USANA Media Center resources; utilizing Ask the Scientists for product information; and more.

Download the Online Resource Guide: EN / SP / FR / CH

Your Need-to-Know USANA Policies 
This simple document gives Associates the most important information they should know to start their business. It’s designed to help a new Associate feel confident and excited about sharing USANA on their very first day as a business owner. Although we’ve included this one-page reference, we encourage you to have your new Associates read through the entire Terms & Policies booklet.

Download the Need-to-Know USANA Policies document: EN / SP / CH

Discover USANA Booklet
Give your new team members a comprehensive look at what makes USANA stand out from the rest. This booklet features all the innovation, science, and benefits behind every state-of-the-art product USANA offers. Learn how to share these exciting products to connect with your customers and grow your sales—and your business—as a USANA Associate

Download the Discover USANA Booklet: ENFR / CH

Lifestyle Items

A Happier, Healthier You Booklet
Even if your new Associate already lives a healthy lifestyle,  they’ll be incorporating our supplements into their daily  routine and  representing the USANA lifestyle . Others may ask them for advice on  health-related activities. This guide is designed to showcase  the six main principles of developing healthy habits, and why consistency is so vital to maintain this lifestyle.

Download the  A Happier, Healthier You Guide: EN / SP / CH

Low-Glycemic Shopping and Working Out with USANA Guides
This simple guide is designed to give your new team members a shopping list full of ideas for filling their pantries with low-glycemic foods. It also walks through a few simple workouts that can be modified for any fitness level.

Download the Shopping/Working Out Guide: EN / SP / CH

Customer Catalog
This beautiful catalog introduces potential customers to our USANA products, culture, and business in an approachable way. Each product is organized by health benefit and displays the Preferred Price, along with a short description that includes technologies and ingredients.

Download the Customer Catalog: EN / SP / CH

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Why is the USANA newspaper no longer available in the Welcome Kit? 
A. All the information about USANA you love to share from the newspaper is now shortened and found in the Discover USANA Booklet. This format makes it easier for your new team member to consume the information, and it focuses on the benefits of partnering with USANA.

Q. What about the Product Information Booklet? 
A. The Product Information Booklet is still available as a digital download on the Share USANA Media Center. It is a great resource for those interested in the science behind USANA’s high-quality products. This same information is also available on Ask the Scientists and on the product pages in the shopping cart.

Q. Does this Welcome Kit replace the BDS or Starter Kit? 
A. Yes, this Welcome Kit is the replacement/update for the Business Development System.

Q. Why did the name change from BDS/Starter Kit to Welcome Kit? 
A. For many outside of the USANA family, BDS, or Business Development System, has very little meaning. With all the acronyms a new Associate has to learn and teach to others, we wanted to simplify our message and make it friendly and inviting, like the USANA family itself. We want a new Associate to feel welcome and excited to start their USANA business, not overwhelmed or believing they have to know everything about the products and the business in order to start sharing. We want them to feel confident to share USANA on their very first business day.

Last modified: February 26, 2025

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